Episode #14: The Power of the Pause

Episode #14: The Power of the Pause

Stopping long enough to pay attention to what is before you and within you can help you regulate emotions and bring consciousness to your actions. In this episode, host Jacquelyn Fletcher gives you the time and an excuse to enter the pause and discover what wisdom may be waiting for you there.

P.S. Have a friend who is always busy, Busy, BUSY? Pass this along and see if it helps them master the power of the pause. 

Episode #13: Reciprocal Energy

Episode #13: Reciprocal Energy

Nature always seeks balance. And since we are part of nature, when we are balanced, we are at our best. In this episode of the Heartwood Treehouse Podcast, you’ll hear why learning to receive is so important to your health and happiness.

You’ll also experience an embodied practice that will help you feel more grounded and nourished. 

Know someone who could use more balance? Share this with them!

Episode #12: How Curiosity Builds Connection

Episode #12: How Curiosity Builds Connection

Humans are social creatures. We need each other to survive and live healthy, happy lives. However, we often treat other people like they are objects or avatars or obstacles to our success and happiness. In this episode of the Heartwood Treehouse Podcast, you’ll hear how curiosity can spark empathy. You’ll also experience an embodied practice that can help you feel more connected to other humans so you feel less alone. It’s a practice that, when done regularly, can change how we feel about others and ourselves.

Know someone who feels alone? Or is struggling with forgiveness? Share this with them! 

P.S. If you enjoy the show, please leave a review and a rating on iTunes. It really helps people find the show when they need it. Thank you! 


Episode #11: Bring Your Whole Self

Episode #11: Bring Your Whole Self

How many times have you had a child or friend or partner ask you to put your phone down and listen to them? How many times have you felt ignored as someone texted while you talked? So many of my clients tell me with tears in their eyes that they’ve missed so much connection to other human hearts because they’ve been caught up in the digital world with work or distraction. In this episode of the Heartwood Treehouse Podcast, discover some simple ways you can bring your whole self to more moments of your life.

Know someone who could use a little self-compassion? Share this with them!

Episode #10: Emotional Self-Mastery

Episode #10: Emotional Self-Mastery

Fear is one of the most destructive forces on earth. The problem with fear is that it’s a chameleon that can mask itself in all sorts of ways. And it can erupt in behaviors long before we’re conscious of the fear driving us. In this week’s episode of the Heartwood Treehouse Podcast, host Jacquelyn Fletcher shares how self-compassion strategies can help us learn the art of emotional self-mastery.

P.S. Enjoying the podcast? Please leave a review on iTunes! It really helps other people find the show. Thank you! 

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